Performance Film. Length: 18 mins.
Online Streaming: June, 2022

The project <AM-I> is a series of exploration in which I-Chi, Lin inquires the fundamental nature of human being and environment. The artist her”self” is the first medium and tool that she started with. By looking into multiple personalities she plays consciously and subconsciously in life, they cover the spectrum from natural being to cultural being, from unaware of the “self” to ideas and images the mind projects onto the ”self”. In winter of 2022, during her artist-in residence in Finland, I-Chi, Lin brought all these observations into body movements, drawings, and natural surroundings. The artist moves from day to night, in snow and fire. The rhythm how nature breathes reflects in the artist’s being and eventually reveals a wider and macro comprehension.

用身體思考; 以精神驅動 — <AM-I>為什麼我是我 計畫,是創作者林奕其探尋“人–自然”內涵本質的歷程。以自”我”為出發點及媒介,林奕其剖析在原生與社會間自身所形成的不同性格角色。他們涵蓋了沈睡–清醒; 黑暗–光明的色階變幻次第。2022冬末林奕其至芬蘭駐村靜居,將往內觀照的材料拋擲到北國自然,在冰與火、白天與夜晚的兩極碰撞; 肢體、繪畫、影像、文字交織對話中,自然是一面鏡子,映照並回答那全觀的整體。

Director& Production Manager | I-Chi LinVideo Co-Director | Chun-Han ChiangVideographer | Josiane Roberge, Chun-Han Chiang, I-Chi Lin, Dora Lionstone, Annette Wijdeveld
Video Editor | Chun-Han Chiang, I-Chi Lin
Performer | I-Chi Lin
Dramaturge | Pien Vrijhof
Drawing& Text | I-Chi Lin
Sound Design Film | Creation-Viktor Schramek, Engineer-Kui Taruzaljum, Mix-Nigel Brown
Sound Design Trailer | Yu-Hsuan, Liao
Visual Designer | Yochi Yu
Project Supported by | Taipei Culture Foundation, Ministry of Culture Taiwan
Thanks to | Arteles Creative Center, Ashley Cheng, Mei Kuang Li, RH Lin
*The work is developed in collaboration with Pien Vrijhof in LIVE WORKS program.